Monday, November 18, 2013

A Pacific Assignment

I am in the Pacific Ocean on assignment for my biology class.  My goal:  To find 3 different animals that are over 30 feet long.  Naturally, I'm going for a swim cause that's where all the big fishies live.  No worries though; I can breathe underwater and apparently don't get tired from swimming.  I am essentially Aquaman's brown-haired doppleganger.

Thinking this assignment may be easy because of my assumed powers of fish-speak, I try seeking out marine life to inquire about such giant beasts...  Unfortunately, it turns out that I cannot talk to fish and in fact have gotten lost somewhere near Thailand.  Suddenly this big shadow comes barreling at me and I'm thinking, "Hold up, what on this green earth have I gotten myself into."  As luck would have it, the shadow resolves itself into the shape of a huge whale shark. (Rhincodon typus, 42 feet long. Score!).  He's apparently very friendly and gentle and doesn't want to eat me (I had forgotten that whale sharks primarily eat plankton), so that's good... oh, and he ALSO has telepathic powers so he can speak to me!

I explain to him my assignment, and he excitedly tells me that there is in fact a gathering of the Blue Whale Council just north of Japan and I should be able to capture some pretty sweet pics of these magnificent 100 foot long underwater mammals (his words, not mine).  So I hop on his back and we begin hurtling along the Asian coastline.  However, along the way I see this seriously gnarly-looking ruined underwater temple (Mayan?) that I just need to make a quick pitstop into.

Swimming into the temple you can imagine my surprise when I found that there was an enclosed air bubble within the ruins, where my biology class TA, Anne, is hailing me down to speak with her.  She tells me that I have been re-assigned on a different mission...  All that work finding a talking whale shark for nothing (*sad face).  This mission would be of the utmost importance:  My professor had discovered the cure for cancer and it was up to Anne and I to collect the ingredients found conveniently around the Pacific Ocean!

Change of priorities.  Anne and I are now swimming to the nearest island to recover the first ingredient: a rare flower (Anne can also breathe underwater and swim forever).  We've got to be careful around this island though, because its private owner is a known cannibal and is wont to eat any intruders.  Thankfully, we take a quiet rowboat (?) over to the trees that grow partially in the ocean on the border of the island and find the magical purple flowers buried among the roots.  Onto reagent number 2 and beyond.

I think I may have blacked out due to boredom at this point because all I can remember are glimpses of me swimming... very repetitively... to a bunch of islands that all looked the same.  Anyway, we collected all the ingredients and wound back at the (still Mayan?) temple.  There I see some parked jet skis and got very verbally angry at Anne.  WHY IN SEVEN HELLS WERE WE SWIMMING EVERYWHERE IF WE HAD FRICKIN JET SKIS?!?!?!  After I calmed down, she said that I did a good job and she'd take me anywhere in the world... on jet skis of course.

At this point I just wanted to go home.  So I did... where I played with my puppy (I do not have a puppy) while my dad told me to cut my hair.


Then I woke up.  Kinda bummed I didn't get to see the Blue Whale Council.

Photo Credits: AquamanWhale SharkPurple FlowerJet Ski

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