Friday, January 4, 2013

Water Demon's Pretty Cool

Celia and I (... ignoring the fact that I know no one by the name of Celia) were on a sunset-lit beach when a water demon emerged from the ocean.  He was big and slimy, with a largely stereotypical snake-fish lower half and a fin-eared, scaly blue torso carrying a trident.  Thinking all we had to deal with were some similarly stereotypical powers of water manipulation, we rushed the demon hoping to catch him by surprise... but no, the fucker summoned a horde of zombies to meet us out.

We slash our way through the zombie horde, getting ever closer to our goal of creating water demon-shishkabob.  As Celia and I approached, unhindered by the walking dead around us, I think he finally deemed us worthy as a threat.  He pulled out the stops, calling forth a massive rush of ocean water to sweep us off our feet.

Unable to really move around in the constricting currents, we just floated in the newly deep water along with the undead to whom swimming was a foreign concept.  Nothing attacked or really happened, and we grew bored of floating and paddling aimlessly around the seaside, the water not letting us go ashore nor towards our adversary who was just sitting pretty in the sunset... until all the kids on the beach decided they wanted to play in the water.

Water demon fish-man communicated telepathically with me, stating that he "could not bear to harm the children" and immediately his zombie minions dissolved into the ocean while he transformed into a regular guy; albeit 10 feet tall and rocking the "hot surfer dude" look better than any mere mortal possibly could.  The tide receded and Celia scampered off to the beach to play with her family, but I joined the demon-dude who sat cross-legged in the shallow waters.

Turns out, demon-dude was pretty cool.  After the initial awkwardness dissipated, we proceeded to bro-out hardcore while children played around us.  Hey, guess you never know when you're gonna make a new buddy, right?

Shortly after cementing our bro-hood with the obligatory bro-hug, we spotted Celia talking to her mom... and let me tell you, her mom looked to be the devil-incarnate to demon-bro and myself.  She stormed over after Celia had finished talking to her, pointing her fingers at us and muttering unspeakable curses at the expense of our firstborns and sensitive man-bits.

Demon-bro apparently had aggression issues and a short fuse, and promptly morphed back into his demonic form while simultaneously calling forth a MASSIVE tidal wave teeming with dark, looming shapes of sea monsters to take out Celia's mom.  As the wave rushed forward to the beach, I ran like hell towards the ocean-side fair just as one of the monsters on a chariot speared Celia right through the eye with a spear. I remember screaming, "BRO NOOOOOO!!!!!!" as I realized his darker side had taken over and Celia's blood splattered the sand.

I was pursued by three monsters straight out from Davy Jones' Locker into a racing ring.  Then I fenced with a swordfish for a second before making my getaway on an exceptionally speedy bumper car.


Then I woke up and hit myself in the head with my sleeping arm.

Photo Credits: Water DemonWater ZombiesCool Story BroTidal Wave

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